Rare Coin & Currency Collecting News
269 Results Found: Pricing

This month's featured pricing consists of Mexico twenty centavo pieces of 1905 to 1943.

It appears that buyers are approaching 2025 with a bit of caution.

Rare and important notes have brought prices that twenty years ago would have been very far-fetched.

This month's featured pricing consists of Mexican silver 50 Centavos.

Recent Colonial and Continental Currency auctions have brought surprisingly strong prices.

First view of the total re-designed cover of the 2026 Red Book

This month's featured pricing consists of silver Mexican Peso coinage from 1910 through 1950.

For the first time, the Greensheet welcomes well known paper money expert Arthur Friedberg as a contributing author.

The rare coin and bullion market always has been and always will be caveat emptor, but we at Whitman Brands strive to create tools to make the most informed buying and selling decisions.

This month's Featured Pricing covers modern Proof quarters from the America the Beautiful, the one-year Washington Crossing the Delaware, and American Women series.

Two recent auctions have brought strong prices.

This month's featured pricing consists of a sample of United States Pattern coinage.

Pricing will soon include modern Federal Reserve Notes.

This month's featured pricing consists of the one ounce silver Libertads of Mexico.

After an extended period of price appreciation and demand, there are signs that the U.S. currency market is in a minor correction phase.

With already half of the year behind us, the rare coin market finds itself in a much healthier state that many would have guessed seven months ago.