Rare Coin & Currency Collecting News
538 Results Found: Editorial

Numismatists—both professional and amateur—are nothing if not opinionated. And when it comes to the Fairmont Hoard, I've heard a lot of opinions. Some I agree with; others I think are ignorant.

California fractional gold is affordable and one of the most interesting series of coins struck in the United States.

The United States paper money auction market is taking a February break after the year kicked off with the Heritage Auction FUN show sale that realized close to $13 million.

Gold and especially silver has continued to climb, with silver well above the $32 line as I write this column.

State of the Market: A (Possibly Too-Early) Early Read

Coin expert points out the U.S. previously stopped producing other low denomination coins that outlived their usefulness.

Since its debut in 1909 the Lincoln Cent has long been one of the most popular series for collectors.

The beauty of the Lincoln Cent's 115-year (and counting) run is that it can be collected by every single level of coin collector.

For the U.S. to place an image of a real historical person, even one as legendary as Lincoln, on a coin took great courage.

Welcome to the very first issue of the Red Book Quarterly™!

Although dealers and collectors benefit greatly from “meeting” each other online, it is important to recognize some of the differences a buyer and seller's status confers on their respective legal rights and responsibilities.

The Coinage Act of 1792 established the United States Mint in the then-capital of Philadelphia. The Act provided requirements for United States coinage, the creation of various Mint positions and the duties incumbent on the principals and established the United States Dollar as the standard unit of currency.

It appears that buyers are approaching 2025 with a bit of caution.

Now that we have the full postmortem on 2024, the numbers are both historic and provide meaningful insight on what can be expected this year.

Rare and important notes have brought prices that twenty years ago would have been very far-fetched.

The bulk of coin collectors have little experience with the Trade Dollar outside of an empty slot in their U.S. Type set, but this short-lived series has a fascinating and unique history spanning both sides of the Pacific.