Rare Coin & Currency Collecting News
3 Results Found: Bowers on Collecting

The Cherrypickers' Guide, Part II has Landed
3/15/2024 by CDN Publishing
The famous reference sold out quickly in 2023 and reprints are available once again!

Bowers on Collecting: The 1796 half cent, Liberty Cap, Small Head facing right
2/22/2024 by CDN Publishing
The 1796 half cent is one of America's “trophy” rarities, a classic. For this coinage, two obverse dies were prepared.

Bowers on Collecting: the 1839 Matron Head modified large cent
2/16/2024 by CDN Publishing
Of all dates in the Matron Head series, cents of 1839 are the most diverse, and, because of that, likely the most fascinating.