Make Your Counterfeit Coins Legal To Own!
What do you do with counterfeit coins you unwittingly purchased?
According to federal law, counterfeit coins are illegal to possess, buy or sell. Hence, once a victim becomes aware that the coin is counterfeit, he/she should turn it over to the nearest Secret Service agent or local law-enforcement official. Often that is impractical because of distance or law enforcement being reluctant to spend time to recover one or two counterfeit items, especially fake coins.
There is another remedy. Have the word “COPY” incused on either the back or front of the coin so that it complies with the Hobby Protection Act, rendering the counterfeit legal to possess.
Problem: Other than private and government mints, there a few entities that have the knowledge and equipment to properly stamp the word "COPY" on a counterfeit coin.
As a public service, the non-profit Anti-Counterfeiting Educational Foundation (ACEF) will properly mark "COPY" on up to three counterfeit coins per owner free of charge at Table No. 1928 located on the bourse during the World’s Fair of Money Aug. 7 through 10 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, IL.
“We want to help victims to legally possess the counterfeits they have been duped into buying, especially on the Internet. Perhaps more importantly, we want them to come to the WFOM to see real coins and meet real dealers who are trusted professionals that will treat them fairly,” said ACEF President John Albanese.
The punches and other equipment used to mark the fake coins with the word "COPY" mark were made and donated to the ACEF by Joe Paonessa of the private Root River Mint, Racine, WI.

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Source: Anti-Counterfeiting Educational Foundation, Inc.

ACEF is a 501(3)(C) non-profit corporation with Public Charity status. It is funded entirely by donations. For news and informative articles, as well as donating, visit ACEF’s website:
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“Before making any purchase or sale, if possible, check out the professional coin dealer, see if he or she is a member of a creditable organization such as the Professional Numismatist Guild. If you don't know coins, know your dealer. Even if you know coins, know your dealer!”

ACEF is a 501(C)3 non-profit corporation with Public Charity status.
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